
U.R.A Fever

U.R.A fever
U.R.A fever
Ya ain't born typical


(Another) UAN

Well, UAN is going to be my next macabre thing and oh wtf it's a day after tomorrow. My current goal for UAN is to get 39.8 for my NEM, but you know i am too slothful to study for UAN. So how come? I mean like, can i reach my goal if i am a lazybones? Of course i can. Like every teacher said "There is nothing you can't do, even if it's about your 'NEM 40' goal. Let us do the best and god do the rest", bla bla bla and so on. I've already do everything i can do, but i still got the feeling of guilty. Maybe it's about my fault to you all, or maybe it's about my...ehem, my debt HAHA. So please forgive me for all my fault, and please amortize (my debt) for a week, well at least after UAN and i will pay all my debt off (Insyaallah haha). So Folks, wish me luck for my National FInal Exam.
Good luck for me, AVX, and Indonesia ($
And last, I hope that i can study well without any laziness things; I can do my UAN collectedly; I can answer every question appropriately; I Scored 10.00 for Science (Physic and Biology), Math, English, and Bahasa; I am Labschool Kebayoran Senior High School Student! God please make it all happen.

* I actually wrote this on 25 april 2009


{I Want...} List

want list
Yeah, which brings us to... Your Mission; to bring me these kissable things <3
Uh especially that green one, Nintendo DSi!


Current Mood; Bored, Yet Dancing

I saw him dancin' there by the record machine 
I knew he must 'a been about seventeen 
The beat was going strong 
Playin' my favorite song 
An' I could tell it wouldn't be long 
Till he was with me, yeah me 
You show us everything you've got
You keep on dancin' and the room gets hot
You drive us wild, we'll drive you crazy
You say you wanna go for a spin
The party's just begun, we'll let you in
You drive us wild, we'll drive you crazy
You keep on shoutin', you keep on shoutin'



Ulala, i am his BIG HUGE FAN. really. really. REALLY.
He is my celebrity crush oh my o;
I mean, look at his handsomeness, really british. And he's got a perfect brown hair, a perfect lips, and really perfect cheekbones. Oooo if i were Alexa Chung......i will pray all day, all time to show my grateful to God.

Just, look at that perfect couple........their sweetness is really enviable. 



you know

i'm hiding around here somewhere
where any other bodies can't see me
i'm hiding inside a box, huge box 
where there is Fuckerland
and y'ret, i fuck-ed up my self this morning
but everything just going fine
it seems like no one even realized it
no one even care about me 
because i am not an earth-ies

really, i'm hiding in Fuckerland
i live my life with it
and sure, i'll ended up in Fuckerland.

Ujian Akhir NASIONAL

Hell yeahhhh, bentar lagi UAN!!! semingguan lagi, gue ulang ya, satu mingguan lagi. gue belom merasakan deg2annya sih, tapi ya tapi pasti ada-laaah rasa cemas lalalala itu. mana...harus digaris bawahi, kalo gue belom mendapatkan sekolah kawan2kuuu ;o bukannya gue tenang2 aja ya, tapi mau gmn lagi swasta udah ga ada yang buka meeeen!! gue cuma bisa nunggu waiting list, atau pilihan terakhir; negri (dan kalo nem gue bagus). gue tawakkal deh, semoga ada nomor gue yang indah menawan itu di kertas pengumuman "Calon Siswa Labschool Kebayoran Tahun Ajaran 2009/2010" tanggal 17 nanti Amin Ya Rabbal Allamin. eeeeehe sekarang lagi ulum, mending belajar fisika sama TIK daripada mengingat2 UAN ;;;;o

Ulum? lumayanlah booow walaupun nilainya sama semua.. tapi mattttt gue menargetkan dapet 70 eh 6 soal gue ngasal bener semua jadi 82.5 :)))) wuaw faktor hoki tetap ada, nak

Kalo pelajaran hari ini? jangan ditanya deh ya, walaupun belom ada hasilnya tapi gue 100% optimis...remediallll yuhu!! apalagi agama, ma-ti-a-ja



nomor bagus? ha ha ha sepertinya tidak dan gue ngga keterima.. 

daaaaa labsky!!!!!