
Recent; School Final Exam

Word to word: "First Day; It's Religion and Civics School Final Exam. Too bad, i can't handle a thing :(((( Even worse, i really can't do my Religion Essay, one thing i probably filled it right; My name. 
              Second Day; Educational Environment of Jakarta and Social Sciences. S-M-O-O-T-H. But Social Sciences wasn't really that smooth for me, especially the Essay thing wtf. And the worst......i answered the easiest question: 'PDI' (wrong) instead of 'PPP' (right).
             Last Day;  Art & Culture and Technology of Information And Communication. Last day ppl :)))) But it's just going worst as usual. Art & Culture was easy though. But i don't know why, i can't answered it appropriately. It was like, someone has changed my full brain with a fucking shit for a second and than he/she turned it back into my real brain (no no, my real brain is not a shit) ;p And for Technology of Information And Communication, whoa just broaden my chest<--rofl?"
Recent: HOLIDAY++ Watching I Am Sam and Lovely Complex Movie, hah okay i know i didn't keep my word on my previous 'Grass' post, more East Asia things up for the holiday ;p